By Alexis McFall on Friday, 10 January 2020
Category: Dr Maiysha

Physician Entrepreneurship Outside of the Box: Your "Side Gig" Doesn't Have to Be Medical

"If you have a passion and talent for something, and you are clearly good at it, then it should be considered as an option."

by Dr. Maiysha Clairborne

Physician Entrepreneurship Outside of the Box: Your "Side Gig" Doesn't Have to Be Medical.

I'm often on Facebook perusing what my physician mom colleagues are doing outside of Medicine. I'm often amazed at the expansive talents beyond medicine I find physicians have that people don't see. In previous articles, I've talked about physician entrepreneurship mostly in the context of using your medical expertise to create new streams of income. The benefits of this, of course, is that generally these streams have the potential to be interdependent (meaning they have the potential to fuel the growth of one another) making each stream that much more successful. However, new streams of income can be completely independent of your trained expertise and still be widely successful.

I look at colleagues like Dr. Jolley, who is a beast in the real estate and renovation game. She renovates and flips homes as her second stream of income. Dr. King empowers confidence through her flawless fashion which is also integrated into her commitment to women's health. Yet another one of my sisters in medicine is developing Blockchain, and another a beast in the investing world. My point is, as we think about physician entrepreneurship, we can also think outside of the box for ways to generate income. Here are a few more "out of the box" unlikely streams of income.

Other possible options include day trading, farming, photography, art curation, angel or VC investing (if you have that money to risk), and I'm sure there are countless other options that I haven't even considered. My point is as you consider the world of entrepreneurship, consider that you are not limited by your professional training. If you have a passion and talent for something and you are clearly good at it (meaning you have a professional level of expertise in it), then it should be considered as an option when thinking about creating new streams of income. Of course, if making it a business will cause it to become more of a chore than a passion, perhaps making it a full on business is NOT the best option. One of my favorite Jack Canfield quotes (slightly paraphrased) is "Find what you're passionate about, what you are good at, and figure out how to make it make money."

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