(404) 793-0011 | drmaiysha@drmaiysha.com

Artist Name - Finding Your Center in the Midst of Chaos w:Dr. Disha.mp3

In this podcast, Dr. Disha talks about mindfulness and meditation, and how bringing these practices to our daily life can bring healing and resilience in all the chaos.⁣

Dr. Disha's Journey into meditation and mindfulness:⁣

  •  Dr. Disha labels the moment she started meditating as life changing. It taught her how to respond rather than react. After perceiving the benefits of meditation herself, she implemented it into her practice.⁣
  • It has helped her and her patients answer some important questions, such as if they are living a life by design, or a life by desire.⁣
Benefits of meditation backed by science:⁣
  • Meditation isn't about clearing the mind, but about coming to the present moment.⁣
  • During meditation, the parasympathetic nervous system is activated. This at the same times turns on all healing mechanisms.⁣
  •  Normalizes heart rates, helps glucose control, and reduces cortisol levels.⁣

Why is meditation important for medical specialists:⁣

It's important to emphasize how helpful it is teaching people how to respond instead of how to react. Especially in a crisis, it's necessary to learn how to listen. Listen for when it's time to continue, when it's time to sit down, listen to what's best for oneself. Listen to what's the best way to approach and treat a patient.⁣

How Dr. Disha teach others meditation:⁣

Meditation program: An eight-week course that not only helps people learn meditation, but also about the nuts and bolts, and the benefits it brings to life. Classes imparted on Zoom, so anyone from anywhere in the world can join.⁣

Dr. Disha provides a personal mantra based on the date time and place of birth, all calculated through Vedic Astrology and Vedic Math.⁣
There's unlimited access for questions, and a community on Facebook where everyone gets together to support each other⁣

Catch up with Dr. Disha by visiting her at website: www.drdisha.com⁣

You can also follow her on social media:
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/disha.mookherjee⁣

See you on the next one!⁣

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Wednesday, 16 October 2024