(404) 793-0011 | drmaiysha@drmaiysha.com

3 Things I Learned from TED Part 3

I hope that you have been really getting something from these last couple of weeks of learnings for yourself. They were so profound for me, and I'd love to hear what you've gotten so far… Now on to the last one….

No matter what you think you are, you are always more than that.

One of the things that filled my heart the most about this experience is the love and support I received from my community.  Revisiting being beyond one's comfort zone, this experience showed me that I still have some work to do on my own view of who I am. 

During this process, I received so much love, support, and empowerment from my community, that the entire time I was in disbelief. 

And it wasn't because I didn't think I was worth it, it was because I didn't realize that anyone outside of my immediate inner circle would care as much as they did.

I didn't fully get that I am enough of a contribution to my community for them TO care. It sounds ridiculous writing it right now, but lessons are lessons.

The outpouring of love from past, present, and future clients, from my social media community, from extended family and friends… from people I've never actually met in person was overwhelming… It was overwhelming because it showed me that I am more than I see myself to be.  This takes me back to point number 1…

There is always growth to be had….

At the end of the day, this process was phenomenal. What I'm grateful for is that I DO have the tools to be flexible, to assess my internal emotional and thinking process…. That I know when to reach out and that I know when to lean. It's the many years steeped in the world and work of NLP that has given me the awareness, confidence, trust, and openness to truly step into my power and purpose. 

If that is something that you want…. Confidence, awareness, trust, openness….

If you want to set into your power and purpose….

I've got you… reach out…

You know what to do…

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The Enormous Power of the Unconscious Mind
3 Things I Learned from TED Part 2


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Wednesday, 16 October 2024