(404) 793-0011 | drmaiysha@drmaiysha.com

5 Things to Grow Your Biz


Today, I want to share with you the five shifts that I had to take in order to transform my failures into successes.

If you are the way I was when I first started my business, you probably have a lot of information you don't exactly know what to do with. I used to read a lot of books, listen to CDs, join Facebook groups, take courses, read articles, ask friends… just filling my mind with information that was sometimes conflicting, and in its majority didn't translate into results.

What it did create was confusion and a feeling of being overwhelmed, which then led to procrastination. I used to think to myself "I should be able to figure this out! I'm a highly trained medical professional…" But it actually felt like I was going in circles. If you can relate to this, this take this 5 things into high consideration:

#1 Forget Everything You Think You Know 

Building a successful private practice from scratch made me think that I knew everything I needed to know to rock it in the virtual world. Oh boy, I was wrong. I had to come with a beginner 's mind.

My education and experience will forever be valuable, but I didn't realize I was entering a new arena: the digital arena. I needed to re-learn everything I knew about marketing and business.

#2 Remember that You're an Expert Now (even if it sounds like a contradiction) 

I know, I know… I just said to forget everything you think you know. But this is not about knowledge, this is about your capacity to be an expert. Think about all the areas of expertise you have and all the things you went through to get to the point you are now. Even little things count.

#3 Figure Out What's the Problem You Want to Solve

What is it and who do you want to solve it for? This is the place where a lot of people get stuck, because they are not willing to take a deep dive into said problem, and don't want to research and really get to know if there's an actual need for the problem - and if there is, the people that will benefit from their solution.

Get to know your (soon-to-be) audience. What are their needs? What's their mindset? What are their pain points?

#4 Create a Clear Transformation and Delivery System 

In simple words, create your program/product. And take into consideration certain things when you are working on this vehicle for transformation:

- Consider your personality

- Consider how much time you have in your hands

- Consider the needs of your audience

- Consider how your public looks for and consumes information

- Consider the level of interaction you want to have with your audience (do you want to just release a product or to hold their hand and guide them step by step?)

#5 Find Someone To Guide You Through the Process 

My education and experience will forever be valuable, but I didn't realize I was entering a new arena: the digital arena.

by Dr. Maiysha

A coach, a mentor, a group program, or a mastermind. This is key to your professional - and personal - development. Walk your talk. If you want someone to invest in you, you have to be willing to invest in yourself.

Do know that we all have blind spots. You need someone who can see the places you are missing, and that has gone through them a couple of times. Someone to give you perspective and that will help you eliminate internal roadblocks. My coach helped me not only create, but also implement a strategy. Most importantly, my coach kept me on track and pushed me beyond my comfort zone in order to achieve my goals. 

If you want help starting your telemedicine, integrative medicine, coaching, consulting or cash based practice, let's get on a call. Schedule your FREE strategy session:

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3 Things To Do To Get Your Biz Together
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Wednesday, 16 October 2024