(404) 793-0011 | drmaiysha@drmaiysha.com

Creating Your Process


Process is the bridge between idea and action.

Here are four things you need to solidify your processes, so you can take clear and effective action that will lead to rapid results in your business and life. 

The Process 

A process is a strategy. A pathway that gives you the steps to move forward. It's very important because a lot of the people who experience failure do so because they don't know what to do while working towards their goal.

In order to have a strategy in place, you need to consider four things:

#1 The Intention or Outcome: Ask yourself what's the desired outcome. Having it clear will help you create the way to get there.

#2 The Map: A step-by-step strategy that will determine a specific progression and tasks. You can use a list, mind map, a journal entry, etc. There's something about visualizing, thinking about, and writing down your process that actually helps you absorb the strategy into your cellular memory. Even talking about it with someone else can help you out. 

You don't need to be super specific. Just go ahead and determine what you can come up with, and then run through it with a coach, mentor, or someone who has gone through a similar path - this person can help you fill in the gaps and guide you along the way.

#3 The System: What system do you need to put in place in order to implement your strategy smoothly, efficiently, and effectively? Think about those domino artists. When one domino is tipped, it creates a beautiful cascade of action. That's the way your system will work, as it will lead you to action, which will lead to results, which will lead to your goals.

#4 The Tracking: Tracking your process is essential. This will help you measure your progress and you will know if you hit the mark or not, allowing you to diagnose what works and what doesn't. Go back, review your system, and tweak as necessary in order to keep going forward.

Produce results and practice on your own terms. These four tips are essential to create a rapid growth and expansion for your business and your life! But this is just the tip of the iceberg…


Dr. Maiysha

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Belief to Action: The Process


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