(404) 793-0011 | drmaiysha@drmaiysha.com

Fear to Knowing

During trying times, it can be difficult to step out of fear and see the opportunities that lie ahead.

When we begin to allow fear to be the determinant of our action, that's when we risk creating worse circumstances. Fight or flight makes the body shut the blood supply to vital organs. There's no time to think, there's only action, so you're disconnected from your higher brain function.

When we're in fight-or-flight mode, the creativity center shuts down as well. When this happens, we are not able to see all the potential options and work around and opportunities that there are for us because we are stuck in a negative loop. 

How To Snap Out of the Negative Loop? 

 1. Slow Down. 

Step back from the situation and take a few deep breaths. It may sound cliché, but there's science that shows that when you take some deep breaths, you're allowing yourself to reconnect to the body's higher functioning. I like to call this "reclaiming".

Of course, if there's an immediate threat, you're not going to stop, step back, and take a few deep breaths. You will have to take action.​

2. Balance the Facts.

Oftentimes because of doomsday thinking, we pay more attention to the negative effects than to the positive ones. Look at what you know to be true about yourself, your capacity, and your humanity. Sit down and write all of those things down.

Abraham Hicks - one of my favorite authors - has a very similar exercise called "going into the vortex". Once you're in this vortex of capabilities, allow yourself to see the opportunities at hand. That is the opportunity for the evolution of process of action of work. 

If you want help starting your telemedicine, integrative medicine, coaching, consulting or cash based practice, let's get on a call!

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