(404) 793-0011 | drmaiysha@drmaiysha.com

If You Thought You Were In Control... Think Again... It's the Unconscious Mind!


When we want to create lasting change in our lives, we have to look beyond what the conscious mind can do. One of the things I like to talk about is getting into the unconscious mind to look deeper and figure out the things that can slow us down in achieving the result of our lives.

Bringing forward the awareness of the unconscious mind

When we focus our attentions to a certain thing we happen to do other things in an unconscious level. Such as when we listen to some news, we gave enough attention to fully understand what was being said. And so we became incompletely aware of our surroundings or even our reactions. But as soon as someone bring it to our consciousness we then became aware of it.

The unconscious mind stores our memories

In 1957 a researcher said that "Everything that happens is recorded faithfully and stored in the memory". Our unconscious mind is the one that is responsible for the storage and the access to our memories. And it stores our memories in relationship to time. The things that we've learned as time passes by will never be deleted. We may not remember them instantly but they will remain in our unconscious mind. For example, when we begin to successfully ride a bike without training wheels. We got to do it because we discover balance before which is so important and we do not lose this. The learnings that we've acquired remains on our minds and got it stored in our unconscious mind.

The unconscious mind organizes our stored memories.

Interestingly, the unconscious mind does not only store our memories but also have it all organized. Our memories were generally arranged according to time but it can also be in accordance to a subject or on our emotions which allows us to have a certain chain of memory. There were events which happened in the past that are affecting us today. Sometimes we see other people reacted to a certain happening more intense than it should be because they might have something on their past that triggered that reaction. This chain of memories can be a chain of loneliness, of happiness or even depression.

How we react or deal with different events we are facing can be attached to our old memories and old emotions that the unconscious mind holds. Sometimes the things that we're reacting to in the present are not the actual things that we're reacting to. 

PS. And of course, if you need help dealing with any of those beliefs keeping you from stepping outside of your comfort zone and into your power… you know what to do! Hit me up. Click Here to Schedule a Mind ReMapping Training Interest Call

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How the Unconscious Mind Protects Us
The Enormous Power of the Unconscious Mind


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Wednesday, 16 October 2024