(404) 793-0011 | drmaiysha@drmaiysha.com

Mastering Communication


In communication we need to remember that we are doing the best we can with the resources we have. However, we can adapt.

I'm an 80's kid. Back then, the way our parents communicated with us was different. Phrases like "because I said so", "When we go to the store, don't ask for nothing", "Back in the day, when I was your age…" were part of our upbringing. We laugh about it now!

Thing is, parenting has changed a lot since then. Not better, not worse. Just different. Our parents did the best they could we the information and resources they had. Now, with more information, parents have a broader idea of how to guide kids.

What are these "resources"? 

We are all taught a particular way while growing up. It's the way we see the world based on what we lived, inherited, and understood for everything that surrounds us. It changes per person, per family, per culture...

If we don't look beyond that, we can get stuck with what we inherited.

What happens when people get stuck? 

On a bigger scale, we end up in a society whose majority, representation, and authorities have a specific mindset. This can lead to the total disregard of another group.

That's how we end up in a society like the one we have now. People limited by their views or upbringing are in power. 

Fortunately, the unconscious mind is set up for change. 

Despite our upbringing, we are capable of adopting new believes and molding the ones we got while growing up. But in order to welcome new ways of thinking, it's necessary to be willing to choose that change.


Dr. Maiysha

Ready for positive belief change? Ready to get rid of the negative emotions, limiting beliefs and self doubt standing in the way of you living your best life?

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Wednesday, 16 October 2024