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Podcast: Failure as Evidence as Your Growth w/Dr. Melissa Hankins

Artist Name - Episode 29- Failure as Evidence as Your Growth w-Dr. Melissa Hankins_1.mp3

 This week next level physician entrepreneur and physician coach Dr. Melissa Hankins and I took the conversation to another level as we conversed about Failure is the Evidence of Your Growth.

Highlights from the conversation:

- Dr. Melissa Hankins is a Transformational Coach, Speaker, and EFT Practitioner helping physicians and other high-achieving professionals use overwhelm and burnout as a catalyst for self-discovery and greater personal and professional fulfillment.

- Dr. Melissa shares her journey growing up in Utah and having the mindset of "failure is not an option"

- How this continued to shape her performance and view of self.

- She shared her journey through burnout...twice, and how she came to learn the skill of EFT, but how she sat on it due to her own thoughts of failure

- First failure experience as a coach and what she did next

- How Dr. Hankins has turned her failure into success

- Failure is a guide... an internal GPS of sorts.

- Leaning into failure early will help avoid bigger failures in the future

- Avoiding your dreams because of fear of failure leaves you with a deep dissatisfaction...and the question of "What if" and can lead to feeling of self disappointment. It feeds into your own negative self talk.

Catch up with by visiting her at www.MelissaHankinsMD.com

You can also follow them on social media:

Facebook: www.facebook.com/MHankinsCoaching

Instagram: www.instagram.com/drmelissahankins

See you on the next one!

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Holding Your Gaze
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